This is the detailed tutorial for exploration of the CeNGEN alternative splicing data. You can find a concise documentation on the portal by clicking on the corresponding tool. Use these links to access each page:
Detailed table of contents
I - Tools description
I-1. Raw data in genome browser
I-1.a. Individual sample tracks
I-1.b. Neuron tracks
I-1.c. Tissue-level (Koterniak 2020) tracks
I-1.d. Global tracks
- Mean coverage, sum of junctional counts
- Maximum coverage and junctional counts
- Minimum coverage and junctional counts
I-1.e. Interface and customization of the genome browser
- Advanced customization
- Transcript-level quantification
I-2. Differential splicing by gene (local quantification)
I-2.a. Local Splicing Variation (LSV)
- LSV naming
I-2.b. Interface
I-3. Differential splicing between neurons (local quantification)
I-3.a. Pair of neurons
I-3.b. Sets of neurons
I-4. Transcript-level quantification
II - Examples
II-1. A simple alternative first exon: ric-4
II-2. A more complex case: glb-17
II-3. A complex locus: unc-43
II-4. Novel exons: srx-45
- Potential novel cassette exon
- Potential novel first exon
III - Extensions
III-1. Using CeNGEN tracks in other genome browsers
III-2. Importing tracks in the CeNGEN browser